In charge of the concept art for out pitch, I developed illustrations inspired by the story we workshopped together in my small group.
We were only given a max of 2 weeks to create the story from start to finish, a morale, theme, and set of characters and details behind what this story would look like fleshed out into a short film for our entire class.. We were divided into small groups, with a total of 5 members on each team, focusing on different focuses of design; Character, Layout, Storyboard, and Concept Art.
Being in charge of concept, I wanted to explore details within our story to give as much visual representation to what we were going for as possible.
These were the pieces that I have created:
Concept Art

"Stars" Concept art after Pitch Approval :)


Heavily inspired by the IKEA Alien Plush AFTONSPARV.... I used this plush as a model to refer to as a generic, cute alien and exemplify what style we would want to execute this animation in.
We of course, developed our own character, but for inspiration my group had fun referring to this as one of the alien designs in media for a small companion.
As we are working further into development of this film, we began dividing our jobs in a bigger scale to work towards the final look of our film. I was in charge of rendering the layouts provided by my classmates, and decide on paint , style , and color of how our backgrounds will look;

Part one of the spread layout

Part two of the spread layout

Layout Spread of a decent into the void, rendering concept

Rendering concept for inside a convenience store

Rendering concept for inside the truck

Rendering Concept for a space-theme park

Original Pitch Concept 1

Original Pitch Concept 2

Original Pitch Concept 2

Original Pitch Concept 3

Original Pitch Concept 4

Original Pitch Concept 5

Original Pitch Concept 6
We originally wanted to make our truck a moving truck, as our original pitch included a concept where the main character, our truck driver, is moving out of the state to a new beginning. We updated this concept during development.. I was later in charge of creating the concept art for it.
The film is set to be finished and screened by May of 2025. I am honored, thrilled, and ecstatic to be part of this project and to be part of the development process, pre-production and post-production of this story. More to share, more to come. stay tuned :)
Thank you!